bila Pitih

Thursday, September 24, 2009


smlm aku kje ngan tak productive yang amat...mane tak, sumer org msh bercuti sakan lagik. aku dr pagi dok berYM ngan cik B sbb dia pun sangap gak kat office. skali dia bg idea..malam tgk idea gak tu. so we choose to watch The Ugly Truth since few frends kata that movie adalah sgt interesting. [i would like to thank to miss sonia and hunny for reco this movie]
so we went to mbo ampang sbb tpt tu mmg xcrowded and nearby to our place.

ms tgh tgu wayang start..aku tgk iklan movie akan datang...

so now aku ade dah movie partner baru, lepas nie mmg panjang le kaki aku [tu pun kalo pakcik darling xde kat kl lagik]

after movie aku intro tpt makan sempoi to cik B..dagang avenue. layan char kwey teow penang and kerang bakar [aku kopekkan kerang kat cik makan ngan bf lak]


  1. eheheheheh....sunggoh romantis malam itue ;-) thanks sbb mengopek kerang yek time kite lepak lagi...i luv mbo galaxy ampang!

  2. aku nie cam bto2 lessy jek kan???
    oopppsss sorry hunny,kopek kerang kat spupu sdri xpe kan? *sigh*


jari-jari gatal mengomen...